string(5) "pt-BR" string(2) "en" Febraban Tech • Ideatore

Febraban Tech

Febraban Tech


We created the BANKING FOR HUMANS concept, which guided all NTT DATA communication at Febraban Tech 2023, the largest technology and innovation event in the financial sector in Brazil.


The Fair had as its central theme "The bioeconomy and opportunities in a digital society". Thus, we needed to create a concept that would dialogue with the theme and position NTT DATA at the forefront of banking services with a sustainable look and with the human being at the center of its strategy.


Much is said about technology and little about people. We broke this pattern and brought the human look representing the ultimate goal of any and all technology: to make human life better. BANKING FOR HUMANS dialogues with the concept of bioeconomy, it is strong, simple, organic, impactful and represents everyone involved in the company and customer relationship, from end to end.



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