string(5) "pt-BR" string(2) "en" Dark kitchen launch • Kangoroo • Ideatore

Dark kitchen launch • Kangoroo

Dark kitchen launch • Kangoroo


With more people at home because of the pandemic, delivery became the main sales method for restaurants. It was then that one of our clients felt the need to create something new and boost their sales. 


To quickly create and launch a new brand of dark kitchen, a type of restaurant that only works with deliveries. To be part of this challenging and promising moment in the food business, in an original way, differentiating yourself from the competition. 


We created a brand that at the same time showed the type of cuisine offered and the delivery service. So we came up with Kangoroo, with laid-back communication and close to the public, who needed to feel a tasty, quality experience at home. 


We created the name, logo and visual identity. We also created the packaging that became pioneer in the delivery market of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. Besides being beautiful, of course, these packages are recyclable and have technology that allows storing dishes that have broths and sauces without leaking. Kangoroo became a reference in Australian cuisine with a community of fans that generates sales. We put up billboards around town, advertisements in magazines and promotions. We managed the social networks with traffic campaigns to generate sales and campaigns with influencers. 

"Amazing and sustainable packaging. Wonderful food. Very good indeed!" • Kangoroo’s client




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